
This page contains a handful of ongoing priorities for which we would ask you to pray. Immediate prayer needs will go out as posts on the home page. This list may change slightly over time, so please check back occasionally. And thank you, so much, for praying!

  1. For wisdom, God's grace and diligent love in raising our precious children
  2. For protection, health and sensitivity to the Lord Jesus in our children
  3. For guidance, fresh vision and ultimately God's will leading Calvary Chapel Treviso
  4. For leaders to be raised up in the body and fruit in our evangelism
  5. For the full leading of the Spirit in Mark as he ministers the Word at CCT and the Bible College
  6. For Renata as she continues to be stretched in leading worship for the women's ministry
  7. For grace to trust and always rest in the Lord in every situation