Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas/New Year's Update

Bob, Renata and Lorenzo leading worship
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service. With visitors from Padova and Montebelluna added to the mix we were quite full and that was a nice surprise.The worship was sweet and God spoke through His Word as He is always faithful to do!

Our text for the service was John 1:14, "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth"

Following are a couple more pics from the service. Click to enlarge them.

Edney translated for Mark

Saturday we had a great day with friends over for lunch and through out the day. Renata and I cooked (I handled the meats, sauces and sides and Renata made two killer dips, artichoke and crab in addition to the array of cookies and pies!) while our guests brought other delectables. I wont tell you all the trimmings lest you become overly jealous and stop praying for us =) I confess we ate entirely too much but loved the full day of fellowship with great company. Thankful for a sweet Christmas even though we're so distant from our families in the USA and Serbia.

Delightful cookies made with the kids' help. Renata was BUSY!
Spider-Luka and Matea on their new scooters
One of our favorite times of year is the break between Christmas and New Year. The kids have off from school, I have a big decrease in my work teaching English, and I'm off from teaching at the Bible College. Not to mention I am BETWEEN seminary courses at the moment, so the family time together has been truly awesome. We have had a little extra opportunity to slow down, cuddle and play with the kids. We're so thankful for these two sweet little faces that bring us immense joy.

Other than that, we're trying to catch up on repairing our home, rearranging furniture, correspondence with you all and a few visits with church friends. I (Mark) am even getting a chance to play some classical guitar. What a treat!

Well, we'll stop it here. More updates soon to come. Stay tuned and have a blessed New Year!


  1. Hi Mark, You sound like you really needed a break..I am so happy to hear you had some great family time! My son also had a break for 2 full weeks and was very thankful..he left today, Jan 3 for a seminary in SC for 3 weeks with some other chaplains who are working on their DMIN's. Mer is home with the 4 kiddies...yikes...I think David has it easier in SC!! When he gets back he starts 3 months serving in the Military Prison. God bless you men for your willing hearts to go whenever God is a blessing to read what God is doing in Italy and in your life!! Enjoy the moments in each day and don't forget to laugh a LOT!!!

  2. I was wondering what you all have been doing over there during this very quiet two weeks break :) I'm so glad to hear that you, Renata, and the kids are thoroughly enjoying your family time together! What a precious blessing.
