Friday, June 17, 2011

Update - June 17

Renata and Keely on the road to the bungalows
Beware of covetousness, but we have been greatly blessed with two wonderful weeks of ministry. First in Tuscany for the CCs of Italy retreat, June 1-4 with Pastor Ken Ortiz.

The sessions were packed with down-to-earth, practical teaching for married life. But even singles came away so blessed, as God's truth is universal and applicable to all.

Shockingly, during the last session Keely's son Kyler (age 10) fractured two vertebrae in a freak accident. What was a peaceful time quickly turned into a chaotic rush to the hospital where the family had to remain for three days until he was released to Treviso.

The doctor wanted to transport Kyler home by ambulance to keep his posture in the right position. Thankfully, that didn't need to happen and the long story is coming to an end. Their joy from the weekend of blessings has not been robbed though, and Kyler is healing up quickly. We'll be visiting him tomorrow, please do continue to pray for his recovery and grace for the family as they adjust.

Sweet time of worship Sunday morning - led by Alex and the team.
Just after coming back from Tuscany, it was crunch time to gear up for the second retreat. This one was with the saints from Calvary Chapel in Spittal, Klagenfurt, Vienna and Salzburg, June 10-13.

One special dynamic is how the weekend started off planned to be a CC Spittal retreat only, but then slowly expanded into the first-ever, Austria-wide CC conference. Something they've been praying for but has never happened until now, and without actually planning it.

We're thankful for the privilege to be there for this special time. God is cooking in Austria and I get the impression we're only seeing the beginning of what is to come!
Renata and friend Laura - part of the castle team with husband Alex.

I taught through the book of Ephesians and personally both Renata and I came away enriched from our time in fellowship with the saints. So thank you Robin, Alison, Castle staff and all those who attended. You made the weekend special.

We returned home to the local battlefield of Treviso on Monday night. Matea was sick the next day with a high fever but we're all healthy again for the moment :)

Kids show at the preschool followed by parental involvement!

In between the retreats we had meetings for Luka's school where he begins 1st grade next year, and an end-of-year party for all the kids in the current preschool.

After the children did their show, we parents were asked to get involved. Initially the announcement seemed we would have to dance with choreography like the kids did, and I was determined I would not be part of that!

But then we realized we just needed to go into the class rooms and join the children in making the arts and crafts that will be put on display for the school. Once I saw a glue gun, I was a happy participant.

The teachers would not let me leave until I painted it!
Luka and I built an airplane with a plastic bottle, a cork, and a few clothes pins. Just when I thought I was done, the teacher told me I had to paint it. I actually got into it and almost fought with another child over the color I needed to use :) Only joking.

But it's not over! We've got another school dinner to attend this Saturday evening. Can you guess what's on the menu? That's right, Pizza!

This season is full of wonderful opportunities to share a meal and the gospel with others who are not from the body of Christ, so please pray.

We have come to really appreciate the importance and value God places on such activities wherein we can be salt and light in the simple day-to-day life. So often we relegate ministry to inside the church walls or preaching on street corners. Yet the greatest harvests are quietly reaped through the precious individual relationships that God brings our way behind the scenes.

Mom with her gifted artists :)
**We ask you to please pray for Renata's father who will have surgery this Monday to have a pace maker installed. He has had heart trouble on and off for some years but with the latest tests done on him, it was discovered that his heart was stopping during his sleep for up to 4 seconds, and then it would beat irregularly and repeat.


  1. "Yet the greatest harvests are quietly reaped through the precious individual relationships that God brings our way behind the scenes." This, my friends, brought great encouragement! It's even facebook status worthy :) Praise the Lord for your family and all He is doing in and through you guys!! Continuous blessings to you!!

  2. It's nice to see things are going well for you. May God grant you the grace to stay in HIS will and continue HIS ministry. Be well!

  3. Hey guys. Loved catching up. Praying for Matea and Renata's father. Keep up the good work of faith!!

  4. Frank and I read... and we amen this newsletter and are blessed to read it and see how God is transforming Italy for Christ! Love you guys!

    Love from the Gonzo's in Greece!
    F & S

  5. Praising God for what He is doing! Love the newsletter guys.

    Greeting from Greece!

    Frank & Suzie

  6. Praise the for what is doing through you and in you.Keep it up.

  7. God bless you.
