Monday, September 12, 2011

Growing Pains

Group shot on last day before departure
Yesterday evening we returned from our fourth annual, Calvary Chapel Treviso retreat. Our weekend was blessed with absolutely PERFECT weather, wonderful food cooked by the Castle’s loving kitchen staff, good teachings by pastors Jim Stewart (CC Padova church plant) and Robin Turner (CC Spittall and Castle Director). A big thank you to Jim (and Margie for blessing the kids so much) and Robin for bringing us the Word.

The primary purpose of these retreats, at least as I envision them, is to bring together our local body of believers for a window of undistracted free time in fellowship, as well as rest and recreation. The breathtaking surroundings only put the cherry on top. 

Youth Needs
We have come to realize, and in particular during our weekend retreat, that we now have a group of teenagers and several soon-to-be’s. This is a growing pain in that we do not currently have a ministry in place to effectively meet the needs of these precious and blossoming youths. Please pray that the Lord will raise up a youth leader from within or send us one whose heart bears a passion and vision for this age group among us.

Luka (middle) with Alessandro (left) and Damiano (right)
Schools and Hospitals
Today is a big day for our family and growing pains are all over us! The two little munchkins are off to another year of School, which always brings a wave of emotion if not also a splash of relief! After the summer months the kids start bouncing off the walls, and I mean that literally. They NEEDED to go back to school, or maybe it is more accurate to say WE needed them to go. 

But 1st grade, already? This was Luka’s big day, his start to prima elementare (the first grade). And for Renata and myself this brings a whole new season. Not only are Luka and Matea now in separate schools, but homework (in Italian) will soon begin appearing on our dining room table, demanding our attentive help. 

As we watch our little ones age and feel the growing pains that accompany the inevitable changes of life, we also want to mention Renata’s mother who, around the same time we were dropping off our kids for school, was being admitted into the hospital this morning with growing pains of her own. Mirjana's pre-surgery preparation is for her hip replacement scheduled to happen tomorrow. Personally, I can only imagine her anxious anticipation and pray for a calm from the Lord for what must be a shock to anyone’s body. Praying also for skillful and divinely-guided hands as the doctors operate.

On our street heading to school

In class waiting for tear-wrecked moms to leave

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